Basis Points to Decimal Calculator

Welcome to the Basis Points to Decimal Calculator. This calculator can convert basis points to decimal.

Converting basis points to decimal is a two-step process. First, you convert basis points to percent, and second, you convert the percent to decimal.

Enter your basis points below to see how to convert it to decimal using our two-step process.

Below are some examples of what our Basis Points to Decimal Calculator can calculate and convert for you.

1 Basis Point as a Decimal

50 Basis Points as a Decimal

20 Basis Points as a Decimal

15 Basis Points as a Decimal

30 Basis Points as a Decimal

100 Basis Points as a Decimal

40 Basis Points as a Decimal

25 Basis Points as a Decimal

15 Basis Points as a Decimal

5 Basis Points as a Decimal

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