Here we will show you how to convert 100 basis points to decimal. Before we continue, note that 100 basis points as a decimal can be shortened to 100 bps as a decimal or 100 bps in decimal.
A basis point is one percent of one percent, and one percent is one of one hundred. To convert 100 basis points to decimal, we will first convert 100 basis points to percent, and then convert the percent to decimal. Below are the step-by-step instructions to convert 100 basis points to decimal.
Step 1) Convert 100 basis points to percent.
Since one basis point is one percent of one percent, 100 basis points is 100 percent of one percent:
(100 × 1) / 100 = 1
100 basis point = 1 percent
Step 2) Convert percent to decimal.
Since one percent is one of one hundred, you divide the percent answer from Step 1 by 100 to get the percent to decimal:
1 / 100 = 0.01
1 percent = 0.01 decimal
That was the final step. Here is the answer to 100 basis points as a decimal per calculations above:
100 basis points = 0.01 as a decimal
Basis Points to Decimal Calculator
Convert another basis point value to decimal here.
101 Basis Points as a Decimal
Here is another basis point value that we have converted to decimal for you.
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