Here we will show you how to convert 5 basis points to decimal. Before we continue, note that 5 basis points as a decimal can be shortened to 5 bps as a decimal or 5 bps in decimal.
A basis point is one percent of one percent, and one percent is one of one hundred. To convert 5 basis points to decimal, we will first convert 5 basis points to percent, and then convert the percent to decimal. Below are the step-by-step instructions to convert 5 basis points to decimal.
Step 1) Convert 5 basis points to percent.
Since one basis point is one percent of one percent, 5 basis points is 5 percent of one percent:
(5 × 1) / 100 = 0.05
5 basis point = 0.05 percent
Step 2) Convert percent to decimal.
Since one percent is one of one hundred, you divide the percent answer from Step 1 by 100 to get the percent to decimal:
0.05 / 100 = 0.0005
0.05 percent = 0.0005 decimal
That was the final step. Here is the answer to 5 basis points as a decimal per calculations above:
5 basis points = 0.0005 as a decimal
Basis Points to Decimal Calculator
Convert another basis point value to decimal here.
6 Basis Points as a Decimal
Here is another basis point value that we have converted to decimal for you.
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