501 is 25 percent of what number?

"501 is 25 percent of what number?" is a word problem where the answer is a number. Specifically, if you calculate 25 percent of number (x), you will get 501. Thus, you can illustrate the problem "501 is 25 percent of what number (x)" like this:

25% of x = 501

To calculate 25 percent of a number, we multiply the number by 25 and then divide by 100. Therefore, we can make the following function:

25 ∗ x
  =  501  

To solve for x, we first multiply both sides by 100 and then divide both sides by 25 to get the x = 2004. Therefore, the answer to 501 is 25 percent of what number? is:


If we substitue "what number" in the question "501 is 25 percent of what number?" with 2004, we get this sentence: 501 is 25 percent of 2004. Since this statement is true, we know that our answer is correct.

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% of what number?

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