Is 3/9 a repeating decimal?

Here we will show you how to determine if 3/9 is a repeating decimal or a non-repeating decimal.

A repeating decimal is a decimal number that goes on forever. We want to know if the decimal number you get when you divide the fraction 3/9 (3 ÷ 9) is repeating or non-repeating.

Here are the steps to determine if 3/9 is a repeating decimal number:

1) Find the denominator of 3/9 in its lowest form.
The greatest common factor (GCF) of 3 and 9 is 3. Convert 3/9 to its simplest form by dividing the numerator and denominator by its GCF:

3 ÷ 3
9 ÷ 3

Thus, the denominator of 3/9 in its lowest form is 3.

2) Find the prime factors of the answer in Step 1.
The prime factors of 3 are all the prime numbers that you multiply together to get 3. The prime factors of 3 are:


3) Determine if 3/9 is repeating
A fraction is a repeating decimal if the prime factors of the denominator of the fraction in its lowest form do not only contain 2s and/or 5s or do not have any prime factors at all. This is the case here, which means that our answer is as follows:

= repeating

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