
What is 0.5625 as a fraction? What is 0.5625 as a fraction in lowest term? What does it mean to convert 0.5625 to a fraction? It means that you want to convert the decimal number .5625 to a fraction with a numerator (N) and denominator (D). In other words, you want to solve this equation:
.5625 = |
Here we will not only clearly explain how to get the answer to 0.5625 as a fraction, but also prove to you that our answer is correct.
First, note that 10000 multiplied by .5625 will get rid of the decimal point. Therefore, make a fraction where the numerator is .5625 times 10000 and denominator is 10000 like this:
Next, multiply the numbers in the numerator together and keep the denominator as is. Now our fraction looks like this:
The greatest common factor of 5625 and 10000 is 625, which means you can divide the numerator and denominator by 625 and keep the same value:
And when calculating the numerator and denominator in our fraction above, we get .5625 as a fraction in the simplest form possible:
.5625 = |
A numerator over a denominator in a fraction is the same as numerator divided by denominator. If you enter 9 divided by 16 on your calculator, you will see that the answer is 0.5625. Therefore, we know that the answer above is correct.
Decimal as a Fraction Calculator
Now you know that .5625 as a fraction is 9/16. Here you can submit another decimal number for us to convert to a fraction.
.56251 as a fraction
Check out the next decimal number on our list that we converted to a fraction.
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