A number contains one or more digits with or without a decimal point. Each digit of a number has a value. The value depends on the position of the digit. Therefore, a decimal place value is the value of the digit based on its position. To find the total value of the digit, you multiply the digit by the decimal place value.
Don't worry if that did not make total sense. Use the illustrations and tools on this page to become a Decimal Place Value expert.
Decimal Place Value Names
Each digit in a number has a position or place, and this place has a name. The illustration below shows you the name of each position of a number.

We also made a tool to reflect the illustration above. Enter any number below so we can color code each digit in the number, and then starting from left to right, give you the place value name of every digit of your number.
Decimal Place Values
As you can see from the tool above, the name tells you the place value of the position. We made the illustration below so you can get a better picture of the place value of each position:

You can enter any number below, and we will color code each digit in the number. Then, starting from left to right, we will give you the place value of every digit of your number.
Decimal Place Total Values
The total value of each digit in the number is each digit multiplied by its decimal place value. The illustration below shows you the total amount each digit is worth based on the digit and the decimal place value.

You will see that if you add up all the numbers in blue from the illustration above, it will total the large number in red.
Once again, enter any number below so we can color code each digit in the number. Then, starting from left to right, we will give you the total place value of every digit by multiplying each digit by the corresponding place value.
If we start from the decimal point and go left, the decimal place names and decimal place values are listed in order below. As you can see, the list can go on forever by multiplying the previous decimal value by 10.
Ones Place = 1
Tens Place =10
Hundreds Place =100
Thousands Place = 1,000
Ten Thousands Place = 10,000
Hundred Thousands Place = 100,000
Millions Place = 1,000,000
Ten Millions Place = 10,000,000
Hundred Millions Place = 100,000,000
Billions Place = 1,000,000,000
If we start from the decimal point and go right instead of left, then we start with 0.1 and keep dividing by 10 to get the list below. Once again, the list can go on forever by dividing the previous decimal value by 0.1.
Tenths Place = 0.1
Hundredths Place = 0.01
Thousandths Place = 0.001
Ten Thousandths Place = 0.0001
Hundred Thousandths Place = 0.00001
Millionths Place = 0.000001
Ten Millionths Place = 0.0000001
Hundred Millionths Place = 0.00000001
Billionths Place = 0.000000001
Expanded Form Calculator
Here is a related calculator that can help you with expanded forms. If you have any specific questions or need further assistance, feel free to email us!
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