Binary to Octal Converter

Welcome to our Binary to Octal Converter (Binary to Oct converter). The goal with our converter is for you to become a master at converting binary numbers to octal numbers.

Not only will we give you the answer, but we will also show you detailed step-by-step instructions for how to convert any binary number to an octal number.

To start learning, please enter your binary number below and press "Octal".

Note: Binary numbers only contain 0s and 1s.

Here is a sample list of binary numbers we have converted to octal numbers. These are good examples to look through if you want to learn how to convert binary to octal.

11101 binary to octal

10101 binary to octal

11011 binary to octal

10110 binary to octal

11010 binary to octal

10111 binary to octal

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